me news

how much?


…the more detailed answers you get, the better. You have to understand the client’s limitations, and be synced with them regarding what exactly you’re going to do for them…

this week lior frenkel contacted me; he is the author of this very insightful long read about the the price of a logo, full of insights and tips from a myriad of professionals, worth your time… thanks for sharing lior!

…usually your clients don’t have a clue what formats and shapes they need. All they know is to say: “I need it for my FB page” or “I want it to appear on the website both for desktop and mobile version” or “I need to put it on a green menu”, etc. So don’t be a dick, help them with this, but also remember that it takes extra time to figure out these things…

see also this related blog post of mine, from 2009

m / 16-03-2015 18:41 - tags: , ,  

the end?

…what does it mean to be a graphic designer in a world that is in transition? A world where old economic models are under fire, established institutions are in danger of disappearing and fundamental social behaviours are changing…

interesting documentary by erwin slegers, head of the design department at the HKU art academy, although i find myself disagreeing with the opinions of several of the people he interviewed

m / 13-03-2015 09:29 - tags: , ,  



i posted a short piece to me stuff on the current student unrest in amsterdam

m / 04-03-2015 18:01 - tags: , ,  



this is a piece i wrote last week for a blog i contribute to, which was rejected for being too political… oh well, ironical as that is actually the whole point of the piece

No Austerity!

Tuesday Lunchtime, curiosity got the better of me so I popped around the corner to witness students being evacuated from ‘Bunge Huis’.

Twitchy-looking cops, dressed like McDonald’s staff with riot sticks and guns, chatted casually with TV camera crews near Dam Square as everyone waited for the next (predictable) move.

The issue behind it all is one that should certainly concern us all: ‘money men’ moving in on education and corporate ‘return on investment’ thinking becoming the standard which decrees whether any Study is viable or not.

There’s currently a lot of concern about radcialised youth but shouldn’t we be concerned that there isn’t enough radicalism? At least on issues that matter…


By the time I write this piece a large group of those evicted will have spent a night in the cell; standing up for something they believe in.

My faith in a generation that doesn’t seem to care about much at all has been slightly restored…

Now let’s see if that ball keeps on rolling…

m / 04-03-2015 09:19 - tags: , ,  

on track


…when you think of railways, you think of parallel lines: up this way, down that way.” Sketched onto the back of an envelope (as all the best ideas inimitably are) on his commute to the studio, Barney’s solution was one of fifty symbols developed and presented to British Railways’ board representatives before being narrowed down to six…

an analysis of the british rail logo and its creator gerry barney

m / 26-02-2015 08:45 - tags: , ,