me news

random NY


this online randomizer will choose random new yorker cartoons for you, enjoy…


m / 09-08-2015 17:43 - tags: , , ,  

true colours


in the category ‘unusual news’ this week:

the population of new zealand is being asked via a referendum, to decide what their new flag should be

shown above are some of the early designs of which four have been chosen (below) as options for the referendum, it seems like a clear choice to me…


m / 01-07-2015 10:34 - tags: , , ,  

talk to me


on the eve of our 10-year anniversary in august: a six-page interview with journalist dirk van ginkel in dutch design magazine publish this month

i’ll post the text online when i get some time…

m / 24-06-2015 16:08 - tags: , , ,  

“it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the oil”

interesting read advertising is bollocks
from one of britain’s advertising legends: dave trott

m / 21-05-2015 13:35 - tags: , ,  

fhk: life & legacy


…his career can be crudely divided into two halves: first, there was the wartime poster artist; second, the hard-edged corporate identity specialist of the 1960s and 1970s. But it is my contention that there is a defining third phase, marked by his withdrawal from consultancy life in 1980 when he freed himself from commercial pressures and took up various causes that linked him to the more progressive wing of graphic design: causes such as design education; the championing of radical designers through his writing and his membership of AGI, and his readiness to speak out against the Thatcherisation of the design profession…

a short piece by adrian shaughnessy on fhk henrion over at unit editions

m / 17-04-2015 15:34 - tags: , , ,