me news

the impact of winter


…the US East coast got his fair share of winter weather in January and February of this year…

the excellent iOS activity tracker human (which i personally use on a daily basis) not only harvests data; like most apps of its sort, but actually uses the data to feed back to its users in a relevant and interesting way…

m / 06-03-2015 13:25 - tags: , , ,  



apple aims to promote their latest phone to the creative community with a tumblr style iphone 6 image gallery, some of the images are also being used for an ad campaign, you know user-generated content as they call it…

m / 06-03-2015 09:20 - tags: , , ,  

me updates feb ’15


after almost two years neglecting to update the work section of my blog i have finally managed to give the site a refresh and update me work with a whole new look… more updates to follow shortly


m / 04-02-2015 09:02 - tags: ,  

me update


after almost two years neglecting to update the work section of my blog i have finally managed to give the site a refresh and update me work with a whole new look… more updates to follow shortly


m / 04-02-2015 09:00 - tags: ,  

what colour


is it?

m / 18-12-2014 16:14 - tags: , ,