better later than never… you’ve probably seen them already by now but i still felt them worth posting: these beautiful fictional world cup nation stamps
(via another something)
better later than never… you’ve probably seen them already by now but i still felt them worth posting: these beautiful fictional world cup nation stamps
(via another something)
the french are proud of their gastronomic heritage and in an effort to combat the growing trend of restaurants (apparently almost in 1 in 3) that re-heat (i.e. microwave) pre-cooked meals the ministry of economy and finance have issued a new logo that aims to show which restaurants make freshly prepared food and thus expose those that don’t…
the plan has come in for much criticism in france
the final logo is, in itself, a good example of a fairly good idea that hasn’t been executed well (for example compared to the airbnb logo, which i wrote about a few days ago)
the new airbnb identity revamp is all over the place this week, to read more about the why and how just google it
i think the strategy change, the story and especially the new logo is smart, relevant and really well executed; even the choice of a red-ish pink colour is offbeat and different in a world of facebook blue… nicely done
the first parodies have already been spotted online…
amsterdam scores surprisingly high in the human data ranking charts
“dutch physicist arie van’t riet has created an extraordinary collection of artwork using coloured X-rays of flora and fauna…”
via the guardian online