thanks to uwe for the link
me news
random ephemera #2
just a few random images and notable things i came across on my recent travels around europe, with the family
random ephemera #1
just a few random images and notable things i came across on my recent travels around europe, with the family
cash flow
some interesting infographics on the state of play for freelancers in the creative industry (n.b. the prices are in australian dollars and relate to their situation) still an insightful read…
(via ‘rob stolte’)
san fransisco runner claire wyckoff has put the nike+ app to some rather unusual use… ‘draw running’ penises and other quirky things
also amusing to note is that prudish american media reported the story too; but didn’t show the relevant pictures
for some bizarre reason several of my regular readers sent me this story, what do people think of me i wonder….