last week i was honored to be a speaking guest at the all new beyonderground festival in hasselt, belgium
organised by a friendly group of local graphic designers the festival brought together an eclectic mix of international designers and illustrators, of which ‘eike könig’ (hort) was perhaps the most well known, so it was a great chance to meet some new names in the field
on friday i took part in an interview with journalist and blogger stephanie duval who questioned UK blogger and friendly chap cmykern (aka james griffin) and myself on the life of a blogger
personally i wondered just how interesting such a discussion could be to a live audience but it seemed to go down well enough, also highly interesting for myself to hear james talk about his blog and the surprising number of similarities we share in approach and in our motivation to blog
on the saturday i saw an interesting talk by paul jenkins and the organisation asked me to do a live interview with the talented mister job wouters in the afternoon, which also seemed to go down well judging by the reactions afterwards (i was nervous as hell)
all in all a really fun and inspiring event, i hope they invite me back for a future edition of which i have no doubt there will be many, thanks guys…
the festival leaders made by belgian artist ‘kristof luyckx’ using lo-tech synth equipment were absolutely hilarious, he is slowly adding them to his vimeo page check it out they are worth a watch (one shown below)
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