last week i spent a few days visiting the latest (and much criticised) edition of the (5 yearly) ‘documenta’ art festival in kassel, germany
some of the works which i apparently found interesting enough to photograph (and therefore blog about) included these books, the damaged ones (above & below) are from the archives of the city museum in kassel and are priceless old manuscripts and bibles which were irreparably destroyed by the british RAF during bombing raids at the end of the second world war… more art than history but still oddly beautiful to look at as artefacts
the lower image is from an installation containing several hundred beautiful ‘organic’ books made from solid sections of tree, all neatly ordered in an antique cabinet… unfortunately i cannot recall the name of the artist involved
of course writing about these project doesn’t come anywhere near to the experience one undergoes when actually seeing them (see also these previous related entries here)
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