

Seventy years after Kristallnacht it is still a tightrope walk to write a book on the Nazi Corporate Identity. With objective detachment, Andreas Koop has been dealing with the design of power and the appearance of National Socialism in particular for years. In NSCI he soberly documents one of the best-rehearsed CIs: social trends and the soil of ?Blood and Soil,? the language and logo design, the media, organizational charts and groupings, uniforms, events and architecture and the symbols of power in writing, typography and colour. We can and must learn from the machinery of Gleichschaltung in all of the elements of the Corporate Identity of horror…

as this review points out releasing a book about ‘the image (i.e. corporate identity) of the national socialists 1925-1945’ is bound to raise a few eyebrows…

this latest book, however, of which i have just got hold of a copy: ‘NS CI’ is a serious and very considered study of the subject and a good reference manual for students wishing to look at the design ot the ‘third reich’ in an analytical way, not what it stood for but how far ahead of it’s time their thinking was… and when you think about it just how innocent are global corporate identities these days anyway? worth a read…

m / 28-07-2009 16:05

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